Spring Is All But Upon Us
You will have no doubt noticed that the daffodils are out early this year due to it being exceptionally mild of late. We have also had several customers who have cut their grass already this season.
The showroom has been busier than ever of late, with customers purchasing their machinery ready for the coming season. Ride-on's, lawn mowers, hedge cutters & brush cutters alike have been high on our customers list of requirements. Also the workshop has been busy with customers getting their equipment in tip top condition so it's ready for use when the time comes.
So whether it's a new machine, service, repair or just general, professional advice we are here to help.
So why not come and see us. We our located just 2 minutes off junction 42 of the M4, on the main carriage way into Swansea.
We look forward to seeing you.
Have a question prior to your visit - call 01792 641517 or email - info@celticm.co.uk